Celebrating New Life At Journey of Faith

“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” – Acts 2:38

The Bible teaches us that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s expectations.  Because of God’s great love for us, we do not have to die spiritually but can receive eternal life through accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior, professing our beliefs, and being saved.  The profession of our sins and acceptance of Jesus into our hearts, is usually followed by the act of baptism.

What is Baptism?

Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water, showing their identification with Christ in His own death and resurrection.  The word baptism means “to dip, immerse, or sink” into water.  In the New Testament, believers were immersed completely in water, as the word expresses (Acts 8:38, 39) “They both went down into the water . . . And when they came up out of the water.”  Baptism, therefore, symbolizes the death and burial to sin on the one hand, and the resurrection to the new life on the other.

Is there more than one way to be baptized?

The Bible knows of but one baptism (Ephesians 5)  True baptism occurs when a believer is immersed in water.  Because of this, we do not baptize infants at Journey of Faith.  We encourage all believers to be baptized after they ask Jesus Christ to come into their hearts.

Is baptism really important?

Yes, it is.  Jesus commanded it (Matthew 28:19), as did the apostles (Acts 2:38). If Jesus Himself was baptized, then we too should follow His example.

When do baptisms take place at Journey?

At Journey of Faith in Bellflower we always have an open invitation to have a baptism during our regular 10:30am service.


For more information about Baptism contact:
Sandra Rodriquez
Bellflower Campus Administrator